Sermon Outline May 4/5

Galatians 4:1-20
Rooted Identity


Big Idea: Living Gospel-centered is rooted in our identity in Christ. 


We are identified as “sons of God” by Jesus, who is the Son of God. 




As “sons of God,” we know God and are known by God.  


Next Steps:


Ask Jesus, “Where am I trading the truth for a lie about my identity in you?”

Live It Out… a daily discipleship guide


Live It Out | A Daily Discipleship Guide


Live It Out Podcast: Episode 5 “What is a disciple?”

Monday | Read/Listen to Galatians 4:1-20 | Worship to I Belong To Jesus

Living Gospel-Centered is rooted in our identity in Christ. How would you describe Paul’s concern in your own words? In what ways does knowing who you are help or hurt in following Jesus? What gets in the way of believing the truth of who you are in Christ? Ask Jesus, “Where am I trading the truth for a lie about my identity in you?


Tuesday | Read/Listen to Galatians 3:23-4:7  | Worship to Who You Say I Am

We are identified as “sons of God” by Jesus, who is the Son of God. How does Paul connect our former identity with who we are now in Christ? How does this intimate expression of relationship with God affect your prayer life? What about your view of God? Why is it important to connect your status as a “son” to following Jesus daily? Ask God, “How can I live like your “son” today?”


Wednesday | Read/Listen to Galatians 4:8-4:20 | Worship to Good Good Father

As “sons of God,” we know God and are known by God. How do the multiple analogies and metaphors help you understand more about who God is and who you are? How do they stand in the way? How does your past experience with people influence your view of God? What practical steps can you take to overcome these untruths? Ask Jesus, “What truth about you do you want me to remember today?”


Thursday | Read/Listen to 2 Cor. 5:11-6:10 | Worship to In Christ Alone

How does understanding that you are a ‘new creation’ alter your self-perception and aspirations? What does it mean to represent Jesus as his ambassador where you live, work, and play? How is this connected to being a fellow “son of God”? How does your new identity in Christ help you connect this with following Jesus? Ask Jesus, “Where does my identity in you give me an opportunity to serve others?”


Friday | Read/Listen to Romans 7:1-8:17 | Worship to Death Was Arrested

Living Gospel-Centered is rooted in our identity in Christ. What is the contrast between life under the guardianship of the law and life under the Spirit? Why is it essential for us to remember our true identity in Christ? How does this come with both rights and responsibilities? What is your part, and what is Jesus’s part, and how do you put this into practice in your life? (Consider this question throughout the weekend!) Now, worship! 

Live It Out for Families

Families, our Kid’s Ministry has recently begun a new curriculum and has provided a new resource for you to Live It Out at home with your children. Use the link below to access this weekly tool.

Live It Out for Families- Lesson 5
Kids Spotify Playlist


This Week’s Resources

Live It Out Podcast: Episode 5 “What is a disciple?”
I Belong To Jesus
Who You Say I Am
Good Good Father
In Christ Alone
Death Was Arrested


Follow our Worship Spotify to find a playlist with all the Live It Out songs.
Live It Out Spotify Playlist

Use the links below to listen to our Live It Out Podcasts.
Live It Out- Apple Podcasts
Live It Out Podcast- Spotify